Adam Michalik
Adam Michalik is a renowned Polish artist born in 1977. He lives and works in Strzelce Opolskie. He is a member of the Polish Association of Painters and Graphic Artists (ZPAMiG) in Warsaw and the Polish Association of Visual Artists (ZPAP) in Katowice. Additionally, he is a member of the Pastel Guild of Europe.
Michalik’s works were showcased during the “I Colori della Polonia a Roma” exhibition in Rome and also at the International Watercolor Exhibition in Niigata, Japan, in 2021. That same year, one of his pastels was chosen as the image of the day by the French artistic paint manufacturer Sennelier. In 2022, he participated in the international project “Europe, freedom without borders? – Art transcends boundaries” in the German city of Soest.
Michalik is a renowned creator in the field of drawing and painting, and his works are highly appreciated both domestically and abroad.

Opinions of others
Caine curator/publicist New York Arts Magazine/Broadway Gallery
Soft pastel ” Omis.” I really enjoy on landscape . Each piece conveys a sense of endless wonder and imagination. Your stylistic approach reminds me of reflections, memories and dreams combined with reality. I find these works to be thoughtful, moving and beautiful
Caine curator/publicist New York Arts Magazine/Broadway Gallery
Soft pastel "Omis." I truly enjoy the depiction of the landscape. Each piece conveys a feeling of endless wonder and imagination. Your stylistic approach reminds me of reflections, memories, and dreams combined with reality. I find these works thoughtful, moving, and beautiful.
krytyk sztuki Rzym
Linngguaggio pittorico e grafico incisivo e affascinante.Armonia di luci, ombore, colori, composizione di grande equilibrio prospettico.Adam Michalik usail pastellato con estrema maestria, opere immediate e coinvolgenti.
Prof. Mario Nicosia/critico d arte Roma
art critic Rome
Incisive and captivating pictorial and graphic language. Harmony of lights, shadows, colors, composition of great perspective balance. Adam Michalik uses pastels with extreme mastery, immediate and engaging works.